Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We're Back... I Hope :)

I know it has been over a year since I have posted...  But life is good and we have had a great year! 

Landon is finishing up 2nd grade.  He is such a smart child!  His Spanish is coming along.  He actually helped my mom and me at our neighborhood garage sale by telling people their price in Spanish. It was too cute to watch.  He is playing baseball this Spring and getting ready for soccer camp this summer.  He is such a joy (even with his occasional smart mouth).  I think the only issue we face with him is he always wants to know why (about everything) and doesn't just take no for an answer.  I like to think this is just a product of being such a smarty pants ;).

Lylli - well let's just say Lylli is Lylli...  Ha Ha!
She is finishing up Pre-K and will be entering Kindergarten in the fall.  She is a year ahead in school, but I think I am going to make her complete Kindergarten twice.  I just don't think it will be to her advantage to graduate high school at barely 17 years old.  She is a firecracker.  She knows what she wants and doesn't let anything stop her.  Sometimes this is a good thing and sometimes... well, most of the time, this is a huge challenge to us as parents.  Lylli will definitely be the child we have to keep a close eye on :).  But honestly, it wouldn't be near as much fun if she was any different.  She is my mini-me. 

Well, I just wanted to write a quick update and let those that might actually read this know that we are still alive and kicking.  I hope to be more dilligent with posting in the coming year!